Nail Houses are becoming a common sighting in the news about new construction in China. The term was coined in reference to the fact that these houses are like a “stubborn nail” which is difficult to remove; a nuisance essentially. In Beijing in 2004, when confronted with plans for a shopping mall, which would displace […]
A series of articles on The Economist journal regarding the assessment of economic impact on the London 2012 Olympics. and
The Media Event as an Aparatus for Time and Space The Media event can be conceptualized as a massive occasion in respect to both time and space. These events tend to revolve around news events ( a distiction to be made later) but are intensified through a period of speculation, coverage, and post event […]
Megastructure Reloaded “Archigram’s Plug-in City, Constant Nieuwenhuys’ New Babylon and Yona Friedman’s La Ville spatiale rank among the incunabula of the 1960s. Combining visionary architecture, pop culture, art, and situationist rebellion, they became known far beyond the narrow confines of urban planning. Till now, however, there has been no exhibition dealing explicitly with megastructuralists’ vision. […]
I am still developing this diagram. If you have any comments or information pertinent to this I’d love to hear it. The International Journal of the History of Sport “A Brief Historical Review of Olympic Urbanization” by Hanwen Liao and Adrian Pitts – Excerpt – – Planning in Olympic Host Cities: Successful Olympic Urbanization […]