Link here. “When it comes to cycling apparel, it’s right that style plays second fiddle to safety. But if high visibility can be achieved without making the ultimate sartorial sacrifice, so much the better. With its Sporty Supaheroe cycling jacket, the Utope Project aims to achieve just that – integrating 64 RGB LEDs into its […]
3D-printed spider robot skitters where humans can’t “Roboticists from German research group Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have used a 3D printing process to create a terrifying spider-like octoped that skitters over hurdles and jumps over gaps.”
Daniel Piker has a few interesting experiments in Grasshopper that deal with self-organization of geometries and forms. One in particular is his sketch of surface tension. Link to his blog post
Our current research involves us mapping every venue from every Summer Olympic Games. From there we can layer information such as infrastructure and population density to understand the various factors which drive the location of different venues. We are also looking at establishing a catalog of venue layouts. For instance, Helsinki in 1952 shows […]