New Robot Domesticity in BLDGBLOG
New Robot Domesticity in BLDGBLOG
As opposed to cities like Berlin and Sarajevo in previous posts, Beijing seems to have lost no momentum following their Olympic games in 2008. Instead of letting their facilities lay to waste, several have been repurposed – and not always in conventional ways. For example, the Water Cube, designed by PTW Architects with Arup, has […]
GAMES evolution
Link to article here. “Synthetic-biology-based approaches to design practices, which have a material engagement with design and engineering practices, propose a new set of conditions in which architectures can alter their characteristics to suit changing environmental conditions. Living materials raise the possibility that buildings can make a positive impact on their local surroundings by performing […]
Rogue Farm Short Rogue Farm from Mark Bender on Vimeo.
After the games move out of the respective cities, their Olympic Villages get transformed into parks, residential complexes, or become abandoned entirely. Sarajevo stands out, however, primarily due to the political and social strife rampant in the country, especially the Bosnian civil war. Their Olympic grounds have turned into battlefields, and their Olympic village now […]
www.elementalled.com/leducation/blog/innovative-technology/led-lights-make-augmented-vision-a-reality/ “University of Washington researchers have figured out how to implant semitransparent red and blue LED lights in contact lenses, for the purpose of receiving and displaying data in sharp visual images and video. This means wearers will literally be able to watch TV or view photos that are projected directly onto their eyeballs.” […]
The existitng stadium in Porto Alegre is getting renovated for the upcoming games. A new roof structure is planned to be built off site and then pieced together. Within the roof, box seats will have clear views of the field. Facilities are also being modernized and on the riverfront side, restaurants […]
Link here. “When it comes to cycling apparel, it’s right that style plays second fiddle to safety. But if high visibility can be achieved without making the ultimate sartorial sacrifice, so much the better. With its Sporty Supaheroe cycling jacket, the Utope Project aims to achieve just that – integrating 64 RGB LEDs into its […]
International environmental watchdogs, such as Greenpeace and the United Nations Environment Programme have become more vocal on large scale sporting events trying to get the respective organizing committees to think about all issues that encompass an event from pre-event planning to post-event reuse and recycling. Greenpeace has created Olympic Environmental Guidelines that outline 34 guidelines […]
From the IOC Report: The organisation of the Lacrosse Demonstration was carried out by the English Lacrosse Union and this body invited a team from the United States of America to play a match at the Empire Stadium against an All-England Lacrosse side. The visiting team was the Rensselaer Polytechnic of Troy, New York State. The U.S.A. team […]
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