In the mid to late 1800’s, traveling journalist became necessary for newspapers to satisfy the desire of communities for information during the Civil War. In order to obtain information, the journalists would have to travel to the news source, obtain the information, and then travel back. By the late 19th century, the journalist no longer […]
http://www.urbandesignweek.org/ Check the Competition “For the City/By the City” and other event along this week and next, including weekend.
Link to article here. “Synthetic-biology-based approaches to design practices, which have a material engagement with design and engineering practices, propose a new set of conditions in which architectures can alter their characteristics to suit changing environmental conditions. Living materials raise the possibility that buildings can make a positive impact on their local surroundings by performing […]
Joan Busquets Interview Joan Busquets is a Professor in Practice of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard and the former Head of planning in Barcelona This is another way you can view the video if the former does not work – http://sustainablecities.dk/en/actions/interviews/joan-busquets-geography-history-and-diversity-0
The largely conservative news outlets during the 1932 Olympics in Las Angeles tended to have bias against women as serious athletes. Their role as wives and mothers rather then athletes were more significant. News of women’s scores, times, and wins were less distributed then the men’s. When talking about the athletes, women’s names were preceded […]
I am still developing this diagram. If you have any comments or information pertinent to this I’d love to hear it. The International Journal of the History of Sport “A Brief Historical Review of Olympic Urbanization” by Hanwen Liao and Adrian Pitts – Excerpt – – Planning in Olympic Host Cities: Successful Olympic Urbanization […]
Infographic which may be interesting when thinking about a timeline for the projects:
http://www.la84foundation.org/5va/reports_frmst.htm Here’s a great site that has links to the original IOC reports concerning each and every Olympic Game. These are the documents that every Wikipedia article sites. They are incredible as source documents. Especially interesting is to critically evaluate the way each nation characterizes (or tries to) their approach to planning and executing […]
The future of 3D printers.
Aim high on your animations! Link here. “A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects are already-built spaces.” The Third and the Seventh
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