The availability and number of actual tickets sold has fluctuated throughout the years. The number of tickets available seems to have a somewhat close correlation to the size of the hosting country. For example the 2 games in the US, Los Angeles and Atlanta, have high number of tickets compared to the games before and […]
Synthetic Biology explained
Link to article here. “Synthetic-biology-based approaches to design practices, which have a material engagement with design and engineering practices, propose a new set of conditions in which architectures can alter their characteristics to suit changing environmental conditions. Living materials raise the possibility that buildings can make a positive impact on their local surroundings by performing […]
A series of articles on The Economist journal regarding the assessment of economic impact on the London 2012 Olympics. http://www.economist.com/topics/2012-olympics and http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/mar/15/london-2012-olympics-the-economist
MACHINE VII is a collaboration of ATWOOD-A with Alex Robinson. MACHINE VII is a sand deposition, extraction and manipulation machine. It makes renewable piles of sand.
In the NY Times….
www.elementalled.com/leducation/blog/innovative-technology/led-lights-make-augmented-vision-a-reality/ “University of Washington researchers have figured out how to implant semitransparent red and blue LED lights in contact lenses, for the purpose of receiving and displaying data in sharp visual images and video. This means wearers will literally be able to watch TV or view photos that are projected directly onto their eyeballs.” […]
More common for the Summer Olympic games. – Summer Olypics Cities – largerĀ cities – large population – major commercial funding – much more popular and greater media coverage. Recent Olympic City Examples: Athens- 2004 – tried to follow the Barcelona plan but lacked the urban development strategy of it. – decided to focus more […]
BMW Guggenheim Lab Calendar of Events “The BMW Guggenheim Lab is a mobile laboratory traveling to nine major cities worldwide over six years. Led by international, interdisciplinary teams of emerging talents in the areas of urbanism, architecture, art, design, science, technology, education, and sustainability, the Lab addresses issues of contemporary urban life through programs and […]
Link here “Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn about everything in between.”
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