Aim high on your animations! Link here. “A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects are already-built spaces.” The Third and the Seventh
The data was all for summer host cities. If someone finds investment information about any of the games not listed above I’d like to see it please. The International Journal of the History of Sport “A Brief Historical Review of Olympic Urbanization” by Hanwen Liao and Adrian Pitts – Excerpt – – Planning […]
Link here. See “personal work”.
Our current research involves us mapping every venue from every Summer Olympic Games. From there we can layer information such as infrastructure and population density to understand the various factors which drive the location of different venues. We are also looking at establishing a catalog of venue layouts. For instance, Helsinki in 1952 shows […]
From the IOC Report: The organisation of the Lacrosse Demonstration was carried out by the English Lacrosse Union and this body invited a team from the United States of America to play a match at the Empire Stadium against an All-England Lacrosse side. The visiting team was the Rensselaer Polytechnic of Troy, New York State. The U.S.A. team […]
Beijing Olympics Broadcasting Report Lots of good stats on viewership and the media methods at the Beijing Olympics. Most interesting is the fact that YouTube was used to broadcast to countries who didn’t have a major service provider. People from other countries were blocked from those channels. This could mean in the future that information […]
Merry X-Mas
“One man’s incredible hobby is another man’s vision of the future. Since June of 2005, farmer Joe Murray has been excavating a basement in his home in Saskatchewan Canada using only radio controlled vehicles.” Link
As shown in the graph displaying the number of countries broadcasting the Olympics and the revenue received from it, the fees for broadcasting the Olympics in the U.S. as greatly increased. Since the start of the broadcast of the Olympics in the 1960’s the fees that television networks were willing to pay for broadcasting […]
Leading up to Sydney’s Olympic bid in 1993, they were faced with a difficult decision. What should they do with the potential Olympic park site? They needed to address the toxic waste that was there from cement and brick making factories over the decades, but they didn’t want to invest too much money if they […]
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