Link here.
See “personal work”.
This is a great website that shows you were many of the summer Olympic sites are and has images that relate to that site in many cases. Look to the left hand margin for the different Olympic host cities. http://www.stadiumatlas.com/
More common for the Summer Olympic games. – Summer Olypics Cities – larger cities – large population – major commercial funding – much more popular and greater media coverage. Recent Olympic City Examples: Athens- 2004 – tried to follow the Barcelona plan but lacked the urban development strategy of it. – decided to focus more […]
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/08/vancouvers-poverty-olympi_n_453593.html This is something interesting to see, the 2010 winter games in the Canadian government back in 2006 estimated that the cost of the games to the tax payers would only be C$2.5 billion. In reality the games spent closer to C$6billion and now many citizens are now homeless. Though in retrospective the amount spent […]
Our current research involves us mapping every venue from every Summer Olympic Games. From there we can layer information such as infrastructure and population density to understand the various factors which drive the location of different venues. We are also looking at establishing a catalog of venue layouts. For instance, Helsinki in 1952 shows […]
3D-printed spider robot skitters where humans can’t “Roboticists from German research group Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have used a 3D printing process to create a terrifying spider-like octoped that skitters over hurdles and jumps over gaps.”
Merry X-Mas
Link here. “Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform. For under $70, you will be able to assemble your personal Arduino-compatible kit for tinkering, and playing with basic CNC output. Be it plotting a quick graffiti, printing a one-off business card on the fly, or multiple Piccolos working together to create a large mural, this […]
www.elementalled.com/leducation/blog/innovative-technology/led-lights-make-augmented-vision-a-reality/ “University of Washington researchers have figured out how to implant semitransparent red and blue LED lights in contact lenses, for the purpose of receiving and displaying data in sharp visual images and video. This means wearers will literally be able to watch TV or view photos that are projected directly onto their eyeballs.” […]
The existitng stadium in Porto Alegre is getting renovated for the upcoming games. A new roof structure is planned to be built off site and then pieced together. Within the roof, box seats will have clear views of the field. Facilities are also being modernized and on the riverfront side, restaurants […]
Infographic which may be interesting when thinking about a timeline for the projects:
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