The 1972 Olympic Games were overshadowed by what is now referred to as the Munich Massacre. On September 5th, eight Palestinian guerrillas kidnapped eleven Israeli athletes, coaches and officials and held them hostage in their Olympic Village apartments. Two of the hostages initially resisted and were killed. Later that evening, the terrorists and their hostages boarded a helicopter bound for a military airport. The German authorities planned to ambush them there but under estimated the number of terrorists and failed in their attempt. Four of the hostages were shot and then blown up in the helicopter by a Palestinian grenade. The remaining five were gunned down by another terrorist. Three of the Palestinians survived the event and were imprisoned. In October, they were exchanged for a Lufthansa jet. Reportedly, the Mossad successfully hunted down two of terrorists. The games resumed on September 6th.
The movie by Kevin MacDonald, "One Day in September", covers this event and has interviews with a wife of one of the athletes as well as the last surviving terrorist. It also shows the footage from the event.