Giacomo Costa Website
Giacomo Costa Website
What can a stadium be used for once it no longer is a venue to watch sports or other forms of entertainment? Can it serve as a community center for the future providing a central gathering space to buy, sell, and socialize? Can ti serve as a community garden?
Easier and more common for Winter Olympics games. – Winter Olympics Cities – smaller cities – less population – less commercial funding – large number of sports located outside of the city. – able to promote surrounding attractions such as ski resorts. Recent Olympic City Examples: Sydney – 2000 – surrounding areas attracted tourist […]
http://img.ezinemark.com/imagemanager2/files/30004252/2011/05/2011-05-27-16-35-56-10-tiger-woods-choked-up-after-winning-the-2006-briti.jpeg Sports journalism seems to be the journalism which accepts its story-telling roles and partnerships with advertising and entertainment. Yet it still suggest that cultural and moral values are alluded in sports reporting. The implication that sports reporting emphasizes storytelling and plot over impartial truth telling isparticularly interesting in contrast to other forms of journalistic endeavors . For sports […]
From the IOC Report: The organisation of the Lacrosse Demonstration was carried out by the English Lacrosse Union and this body invited a team from the United States of America to play a match at the Empire Stadium against an All-England Lacrosse side. The visiting team was the Rensselaer Polytechnic of Troy, New York State. The U.S.A. team […]
Rogue Farm Short Rogue Farm from Mark Bender on Vimeo.
As opposed to cities like Berlin and Sarajevo in previous posts, Beijing seems to have lost no momentum following their Olympic games in 2008. Instead of letting their facilities lay to waste, several have been repurposed – and not always in conventional ways. For example, the Water Cube, designed by PTW Architects with Arup, has […]
MACHINE VII is a collaboration of ATWOOD-A with Alex Robinson. MACHINE VII is a sand deposition, extraction and manipulation machine. It makes renewable piles of sand.
FRAC Centre Orléans 02.12.2011-19.02.2012 A project by Gramazio & Kohler and Raffaello d’Andrea in cooperation with ETH Zurich
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