Whatever Happened to Urbanism?
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/08/vancouvers-poverty-olympi_n_453593.html This is something interesting to see, the 2010 winter games in the Canadian government back in 2006 estimated that the cost of the games to the tax payers would only be C$2.5 billion. In reality the games spent closer to C$6billion and now many citizens are now homeless. Though in retrospective the amount spent […]
“Talking back to your intelligent City” PlanIT Valley, Portugal
A series of articles on The Economist journal regarding the assessment of economic impact on the London 2012 Olympics. http://www.economist.com/topics/2012-olympics and http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/mar/15/london-2012-olympics-the-economist
This is a video made in 2009 during a walkthrough of the Berlin Olympic Village in 1936, including some footage of abandoned venues and the Olympic pool. Though it is not as telling as physical experience, it is still a haunting video to watch, as you get a sense of what these places once were, […]
3D-printed spider robot skitters where humans can’t “Roboticists from German research group Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have used a 3D printing process to create a terrifying spider-like octoped that skitters over hurdles and jumps over gaps.”
Event coverage is naturally subject to bias. Here, “The Event” is seen not as a single node from which coverage is emanating from, but a cyclical event from which future events, perception, and coverage change due not only to each other, but cycles of events in the past as well. Thus, in order to understand […]
The existitng stadium in Porto Alegre is getting renovated for the upcoming games. A new roof structure is planned to be built off site and then pieced together. Within the roof, box seats will have clear views of the field. Facilities are also being modernized and on the riverfront side, restaurants […]
Easier and more common for Winter Olympics games. – Winter Olympics Cities – smaller cities – less population – less commercial funding – large number of sports located outside of the city. – able to promote surrounding attractions such as ski resorts. Recent Olympic City Examples: Sydney – 2000 – surrounding areas attracted tourist […]
The 1972 Olympic Games were overshadowed by what is now referred to as the Munich Massacre. On September 5th, eight Palestinian guerrillas kidnapped eleven Israeli athletes, coaches and officials and held them hostage in their Olympic Village apartments. Two of the hostages initially resisted and were killed. Later that evening, the terrorists and their hostages […]
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