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“Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn about everything in between.”
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“Zoom from the edge of the universe to the quantum foam of spacetime and learn about everything in between.”
FRAC Centre Orléans 02.12.2011-19.02.2012 A project by Gramazio & Kohler and Raffaello d’Andrea in cooperation with ETH Zurich
The decision to host the 1972 Olympics gave Munich the opportunity to redevelop the Oberwiesenfeld area. It had been used as an airfield up until 1939 when the Munich- Riem airport opened. The area became largely idle despite the Nazi plans to have the area serve as the central slaughterhouse and marketplace. The goal was […]
This is a video made in 2009 during a walkthrough of the Berlin Olympic Village in 1936, including some footage of abandoned venues and the Olympic pool. Though it is not as telling as physical experience, it is still a haunting video to watch, as you get a sense of what these places once were, […]
Event coverage is naturally subject to bias. Here, “The Event” is seen not as a single node from which coverage is emanating from, but a cyclical event from which future events, perception, and coverage change due not only to each other, but cycles of events in the past as well. Thus, in order to understand […]
Aim high on your animations! Link here. “A FULL-CG animated piece that tries to illustrate architecture art across a photographic point of view where main subjects are already-built spaces.” The Third and the Seventh
Sequel to the award winning GOLDEN AGE – THE SIMULATION, ‘SOMEWHERE’ attempts to visualise the notion of a ‘downloaded architecture’. We are in a time where much of what we do is online. The notion of the online will radically change, the notion of the computer and the home will merge. We will download […]
Link here. “Piccolo is a pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform. For under $70, you will be able to assemble your personal Arduino-compatible kit for tinkering, and playing with basic CNC output. Be it plotting a quick graffiti, printing a one-off business card on the fly, or multiple Piccolos working together to create a large mural, this […]
The Media Event as an Aparatus for Time and Space The Media event can be conceptualized as a massive occasion in respect to both time and space. These events tend to revolve around news events ( a distiction to be made later) but are intensified through a period of speculation, coverage, and post event […]
Most newsworthy events fall into two general catagories; News and Media Events. News events are those events which can be represented as a set of information (the score was 5 to 4 in the Soccer game last night). These events can be represented as points in time. A media event is the coverage and […]
Link here “Carlos Bueno, author of a kids’ book about understanding computers called Lauren Ipsum, describes what happens when the cadre of competing bots that infest Amazon’s sales-database began to viciously fight with one another over pricing for his book. It’s a damned weird story. “
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