This is a test for general research post by group “B”.
http://sustainablecities.dk/en/city-projects/cases/rio-de-janeiro-the-gondola-opens-up-the-favela In terms of public transportation, Rio de Janeiro is facing the same problems as many other Latin-American metropolises. The city is served by a comprehensive public transit system, including a modern metro, suburban trains and a large bus fleet. But transportation services are sometimes unable to keep pace with rampant urbanization, especially […]
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/08/vancouvers-poverty-olympi_n_453593.html This is something interesting to see, the 2010 winter games in the Canadian government back in 2006 estimated that the cost of the games to the tax payers would only be C$2.5 billion. In reality the games spent closer to C$6billion and now many citizens are now homeless. Though in retrospective the amount spent […]
http://www.la84foundation.org/5va/reports_frmst.htm Here’s a great site that has links to the original IOC reports concerning each and every Olympic Game. These are the documents that every Wikipedia article sites. They are incredible as source documents. Especially interesting is to critically evaluate the way each nation characterizes (or tries to) their approach to planning and executing […]
“From Agit-Prop to Free Space: The Architecture of Cedric Price” Canadian Center for Architecture collection and archive Design Museum Mute
More common for the Summer Olympic games. – Summer Olypics Cities – larger cities – large population – major commercial funding – much more popular and greater media coverage. Recent Olympic City Examples: Athens- 2004 – tried to follow the Barcelona plan but lacked the urban development strategy of it. – decided to focus more […]
The data was all for summer host cities. If someone finds investment information about any of the games not listed above I’d like to see it please. The International Journal of the History of Sport “A Brief Historical Review of Olympic Urbanization” by Hanwen Liao and Adrian Pitts – Excerpt – – Planning […]
What can a stadium be used for once it no longer is a venue to watch sports or other forms of entertainment? Can it serve as a community center for the future providing a central gathering space to buy, sell, and socialize? Can ti serve as a community garden?
World Cups utilize multiple stadiums across a country and bring them together for one competition between nations. In 2006, Germany was again able to show its changed image. For the Brazil Games, the country is having to build the image. New stadiums are being constructed and old stadiums are being renovated. Sustainability issues are coming […]
This is a video made in 2009 during a walkthrough of the Berlin Olympic Village in 1936, including some footage of abandoned venues and the Olympic pool. Though it is not as telling as physical experience, it is still a haunting video to watch, as you get a sense of what these places once were, […]
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